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Keep At It

Steve Backlund

Keep At It

By Steve Backlund

I just recorded my 450th podcast. I have been doing a weekly podcast for years. Like a mailman who promises to deliver the mail whether there is rain, sleet, or snow, I have delivered these messages of encouragement every week no matter what the emotional or circumstantial “weather” has been for me. It has been quite a journey. 

As always, I love to share with you the habits and mindsets that have created this longevity for this part of my ministry and business. Here are a few of them. 

  • Keep at something - “Do not be weary in well-doing, for you will reap a harvest if you do not give up” (Galatians 6:9). Never give up. Never give up. Never give up. 

  • Strengthen your investment mindset - The law of compound interest states that we will get a huge return if we invest a small amount consistently. This is certainly true with finances, but is more true with spiritual investments. 

  • Be faithful even if you don’t feel like being faithful - Both successful and unsuccessful people do not feel like doing things, but successful people find a way to do what they don't feel like doing. I have built systems in my life of reminders and accountability to do what I have not felt like doing. It has brought great fruit and personal satisfaction. 

  • Create urgency for the important things of life through deadlines - Fruitful people primarily live in the important, and non-urgent, time quadrant. By carefully committing to regular assignments with a clear deadline, we can build the “muscle” of follow-through which is a necessary habit for victory and influence. 

  • Give God something to work with - God does not work apart from what we give Him through prayer, faith, love, obedience, speaking, etc. In John 2, Jesus did not create wine out of thin air. He asked for pots to be filled with water. We will dramatically increase how much God does in us and around us by continually presenting by faith “pots and water” of something God can use to create miracles, salvation, growth, and more. 

  • Do what you can - I have not been in a season to do elaborate podcasts with guests (which I would love to do), but I have been able to give what I can. I have not allowed perfectionism to stop me from presenting a weekly podcast of my latest revelations.

  • Never stop starting - When I have felt like I have failed or released a less-than-stellar podcast, I don’t call it failure, but I call it learning. 

  • Stay in your lane - I keep talking about the same things. 

  • Become an expert in something - The book Good to Great says good is the enemy of great. One of the most important life discoveries is to figure out what we can be the best in the world at. As we keep at something, we increase the likelihood of that happening. I am believing I am and can be the greatest in the world in giving practical tools for transformational mind renewal. 

  • Speak mainly to yourself - My podcasts have been a blessing to many, but they have influenced me the most because I am the greatest hearer of my own words. I know if they inspire me , they will inspire you. This is a true measurement to determine if our teaching is head knowledge or actual life-giving. 

450 podcasts! That is a lot of podcasts. To God be the glory. I have been so blessed to do them and hear how they have blessed so many. This testimony of mine prophecies to you that God is gracing you to persevere with something influential.

You might say, “I wish I would have started doing something like this, Steve.” Well, the best time to plant an apple tree was twenty years ago, but the second best time is today. What have you started that encourages you to continue? Or what can you start that ten years from now, you can celebrate its longevity. 


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