"Not Growing Weary"
By Steve Backlund
I am working on determining the seventeen most important Bible verses to meditate on and to declare for victorious living. In a previous blog, I already shared what I believe are the seventeen most important chapters in the Bible (see here). These chapters are crucial to use as a lens to properly interpret the rest of the Bible. The seventeen verses would add specific spiritual firepower to these chapters through regular meditation and declarations concerning the truths they carry.
Here are some of the verses I am considering for this important list:
Psalm 37:4
Romans 6:11
Galatians 2:20
2 Corinthians 9:7
Romans 12:2
Romans 5:17
Hebrews 10:14
Galatians 3:3
2 Corinthians 3:18
Mark 9:23
James 3:2
Romans 8:28
1 Corinthians 10:13
Matthew 3:17
Matthew 4:4
Romans 15:13
Romans 4:17
Phil 4:6
Some of you may be saying, “Steve, you have left off some verses even more important than these!” Yes, that is probably true, but I am looking forward to sharing on a future blog the seventeen that are the most important to me for maintaining and growing my faith, hope, and love.
As I think about potential verses to be a part of this list, I am drawn to Galatians 6:9. It is a verse that strongly sends us this message: DON’T GIVE UP! Don’t stop doing the right things even when they don’t look fruitful. Here is the verse - "Do not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time (in due season) we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" (Galatians 6:9). Let’s dissect this verse.
Do not - We tell our children, “Do not go play in the road. Do not talk to strangers. Do not talk back to your mother.” These “do nots” are meant to bring protection and blessing. This is the same heart in Galatians 6:9
Grow weary - This verse is not talking about short-term tiredness but about an unrestrained (and often subconscious) process of getting weary. Just as cancer can grow in our body, this disease in our souls can keep growing until it becomes a big problem for us. This weariness often results from unresolved disappointments and from living in doubt and duty rather than living in faith.
In doing good - We can grow weary of doing the right things (doing good) if we focus more on seeing a harvest than we are in planting the right seeds into our life, relationships, dreams, finances, etc. Weariness will keep increasing when we don’t believe what we are doing is significant or making a difference.
For in due season - Just as in farming, there are seasons in our life journey of 1) planting, 2) watering, weeding, and fertilizing, and 3) harvesting. There is a due season for all of us.
We will reap a harvest - This is an incredible promise. It does not say, “We might reap a harvest,” but it says, “We will.” Why don’t you thank God and attach faith right now to the various seeds you have sown in prayer, giving, love, obedience, encouragement, and in other ways. Those seeds are growing in the unseen realm and will harvest in your life.
If we do not lose heart - Losing heart is the end result of unchecked, growing weariness. It is buying into the lie that things really are hopeless. This lie can sound so true. We all have at least one area of life that is screaming at us, “This really is hopeless!” No, it is not. There are no hopeless circumstances, just people who do not have hope. Igniting Hope Ministries is committed to helping you not lose heart.
What a great verse with a powerful promise!
Our faith is certainly demonstrated in how we think, but it is also proven in what we do. James says, “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:26). Our belief that what we are doing is working and will bear fruit causes us to keep “doing good”. So our faith is shown greatly in what we do.
If you are battling long-term weariness, here are some steps you can take:
Reaffirm what commitments (doing good) you are to have.
Attach faith to the planting and watering process in these commitments.
Get help if needed concerning lingering disappointments. Our Igniting Hope Belief Trainers have helped many people overcome a lack of hope.
Help as many other people see a harvest in their lives. “Give and it will be given to you” (Luke 6:38).