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Steve Backlund

Victorious Emotions

Victorious Emotions

By Wendy Backlund

From Wendy Backlund’s Book, Changing Your Reality.

“You will know the truth and the truth will make you free.” John 8:32

Emotions do not validate truth, they validate what we believe is true. I used to think if it felt true, then it was true. Our brain can only judge truth by experience or by the information it was given. Unfortunately, our brain frequently misinterprets our experiences and is given faulty information. This is why I have a plaque that says, “Don’t believe everything you think”. Once I understood that my emotions were just a response to something I had trained myself to believe, I used the emotion as an opportunity to re-evaluate my beliefs. My goal is to bring all my thoughts into the captivity of hope. They must align with the Word of God and His promises. It wasn’t until I actively started believing something different, that the emotional ups and downs leveled out. 

One of my biggest revelations is that I can choose what to believe. We can choose what we believe about ourselves, our future, and our children. Usually we do not think we can choose what to believe because we tend to think our beliefs are based on truth or facts. So how can we have a different belief? What helped me to change my beliefs was the revelation that most of my beliefs were based on past experience, other people’s experience, or even from conclusions that I developed about life when I was a child.

These beliefs are based on a world that did not factor in the supernatural. It is now time we pull out those old beliefs and question their source. If they do not line up with the Word of God, then teach yourself some new beliefs! The key is to not get discouraged in the process. New beliefs take time to develop from what we want to believe to become a fully convinced belief. We will know we believe it when our emotions have changed.

Changing our beliefs is a process of retraining the brain to believe something different, because it is not about what we consciously believe, rather it is about what we subconsciously believe. In the same way that you convince yourself something is not true, you can convince yourself that something is true. This is done by repeating the truth in your mind and speaking it out loud. The first step is to identify what you want to believe. When you wake up in the morning ask yourself, “What do I want to believe today,” not, “How am I feeling today?” If we base our day on how we feel in the morning, we will never learn to choose something higher.


Write down three beliefs you want to have. Then declare that truth over yourself on a regular basis. Make the declarations personal. For example, “My children and family will be radically saved! I am blessed and highly favored!”


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