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Steve Backlund

Writing Your Own Declarations

"Writing Your Own Declarations"

By Steve Backlund

This week’s blog is from Steve’s book called, Declare It! You can find it here

Steve and Wendy Backlund often say, “You can’t consistently do what you don’t believe you are.” Declarations are a major key to getting truth in our belief systems. We can use our words to tear down negative strongholds and set up positive strongholds. This is the renewing of the mind!

We have plenty of lists of free declarations on our website, and even have a book full of topical declarations called Declare It! But learning how to make your own personal declarations is important too. Only you and God fully know your innermost thoughts, and building declarations with Him can help increase intimacy and make your declarations even more faith-filled.

Here are some helpful keys to make your own declarations:

  • Whenever possible, write declarations that are identity statements (i.e. “I am a powerful leader!” or “I am an author!”).

  • Write declarations in the present tense (i.e. “I am free from fear”).

  • Avoid “in process” statements (“I am getting free from fear”) and aspiration statements (“I will one day be free from fear”).

  • If possible, give a Scripture reference or even make scriptural declarations. (“God has not given me a spirit of fear”... 2 Tim. 1:7).  Declarations don’t always have to be tied directly to specific verses about your future, but it helps solidify these truths into your spirit.

  • Choose specific topics that are important to you to make declarations about (i.e. areas where you need breakthrough or dreams you want to experience).

  • Consider lies you are tempted to believe concerning the topics, and then replace those lies with truths to be declared. 

  • Continue to add new declarations until the truth is firmly established in your beliefs and emotions. Soon, these beliefs will become your new automatic thought pattern!

  • Record your most important declarations with music in the background, and then listen to these as often as possible (including while you are sleeping).

Here are some template for you to build some of your own declarations:

Prophetic Words

Write down your prophetic words that you’re still waiting to come to pass in your life. Then, turn them into declarations over yourself. (See 1 Timothy 1:18.)


Identify promises God has given you personally or in Scripture and turn them into declarations over yourself.

Here is your template for personal declarations. Try this for a while consistently and just see what happens in your beliefs and attitude.

  • Identify areas where your seeking breakthrough

  • Identify lies your believing about those areas:

  • What is the truth?

  • Make declarations based on the truth

For more understanding about declarations, see my books Declarations: Unlocking Your Future and You’re Crazy if You Don’t Talk to Yourself.


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